Weight training is the fastest growing exercise activity in the United States with 35.5 million participants, this according to a National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) survey. We explore research, articles, opinions and products to further increase the participation rates of strength training in the World.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Power Factor Strength Training Computer with Calorie Counter

The World's First Real-Time Feedback for Strength Training is Power Factor. Maximize calorie burn, athletic performance, weight loss!

Buy Now!

You would never use a treadmill, exercise bike or elliptical machine without having a display board to tell you how you're doing. So why are you lifting weights without a Power Factor?

Fits All Strength Equipment - Guaranteed!

Power Factor works on all Weight Bars, Home Gyms, Dumbbells, Multi-Station Gyms, Circuit & Selectorized Machines guaranteed or receive a 100% refund!

Research has proven that working out with instant feedback improves your results. Using the Power Factor Weight Lifting Computer with Calorie Counter, you can see your results instantly for each rep, set and workout.

The Power Factor shows you 7 measurements including calories burned, to improve your strength training workout.

Weight Lifted: is the total weight lifted during your workout. On the Power Factor you'll know the weight lifted for each rep, set and workout. If your goal is to work harder every workout, just increase your tonnage of weight lifted from workout to workout.

Power Factor: is the international standard measurement for strength training. What's Your Power Factor? Compare your Power Factor with anyone's regardless of body weight.

Calories Burned: or Kcalories is the measurement of energy used by your body during strength training. The force, weight lifted, bar speed and distance all are used to calculate the calories.

Speed: is the bar speed feet-per-second. Programs may require fast, slow or moderate levels of speed to accomplish individual goals. Are you moving the bar too fast? Maybe you should add more weight.

Work Time: is the time you are physically moving the weight during a workout. No more cheating.

Rest Time: is the time your are not moving the weight. Rest time begins when the weight is stopped from moving for more than 3-seconds.

Watts: is a measurement of power output. 1 foot-per-seond equals 1.356 watts. This measurement is evaluated for athletic performance.